Strange And Creepy Random,Strange and Unexplained 2020’s First Super Moon This Weekend Is Going to Be Hauntingly Beautiful

2020’s First Super Moon This Weekend Is Going to Be Hauntingly Beautiful

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If there’s one thing you can look forward to this weekend, it’s this weekend’s super moon aka “the snow moon.” If you’re up late it’s going to peak around 2:30am Sunday morning. This is the first of 3 super moons that will be gracing our skies this year.

So what’s the difference between a super moon and a regular moon?

It’s basically an optical illusion, but they just appear larger than regular moons giving it that full blast of moonlight look. The kind of moon you can you go on a walk and actually be able to see, that is depending on where you live.

Having the moon peak early Sunday morning means we get the whole weekend to look at a full moon. So this weekend is going to be awesome for some sky watching if you’re in an area that isn’t cloudy. The February moon also goes by various names that include the following; the Storm Moon, The Chinese Lantern Moon, Hunger Moon, and the Festival Moon.

Will you be out this weekend looking at the moon? Check out this video we found by Lazy News and let us know your thoughts!

Video Source – Lazy News

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