This 134 Year Old Hotel Is Said To Be The Most Haunted Hotel In The USA

This 134 Year Old Hotel Is Said To Be The Most Haunted Hotel In The USA post thumbnail image

The Crescent hotel, Arkansas

There’s a good reason Eureka Springs, Arkansas’s Crescent Hotel has been dubbedthe most haunted hotel in the United States.” Since 1886 the hotel has been known for it’s paranormal occurrences. It’s also home to many legends that until some years back were thought to only be that. However, when they found the grave of one of the most infamous resident owners, Norman Baker the stories became truth. Baker purchased the hotel and ran it as a cancer hospital where he promised cures for diseases. He turned out to be a charlatan who wasn’t even a doctor. He would give dyeing people false hope while making a lot of money in process.

America’s Most Haunted Hotel

It wasn’t until decades later that the stories of this charlatan were verified. They found over 500 bottles during an archeological dig that had various names on them. A lot of people think the ghosts that are still lingering are ones who died in hopes of being cured. Many have said to have witnessed the ghosts of children pleading for help only to vanish into thin air. Popular television shows like Ghost Adventures and Ghost Hunters have made contact with some of these spirits.
There are other locations besides the old morgue and various rooms that are haunted. The grounds of the hotel are said to be haunted beyond belief. There are stories of curses and various other entities that roam the nearby woods. Could all of these things have attributed to the paranormal activity and ghostly things going on there?
Check out the video post and let us know your thoughts.

Check out the videos Crescent hotel Arkansas

Sources- Polaroid artist –
Clay Thompson –
David rushnet –

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