For 75 Years A Mysterious Man Visited Edgar Allan Poe’s Grave, But Who Was He?

Edgar Allan Poe was one of the most prolific writers of our time. His life and death were shrouded in a lot of mystery. Even after his death the mystery continued in the form of a mysterious visitor. For 75 years an unknown man would visit Poe’s grave on his birthday and leave 3 red roses and a bottle of cognac on his grave.

From 1949 to 2009 somebody or it could have been various people did this sometime between 12 and 6a.m. The ritual was observed by a small group of onlookers. The mystery person would wear an all-black outfit with a white scarf and brimmed hat.


Since 1977 people would crowd around to watch the event unfold. I still don’t know why anyone never asked the person who they were; they probably didn’t out of respect and the mystery of it all. Every year after that people would gather at Baltimore’s Westminster burying ground, the location where Poe’s grave is at.

The mysterious person left 3 roses which many thing was for the 3 graves that are at the location. The Cognac however is another mystery in itself because Poe wasn’t a drinker and he didn’t have any references to cognac in his work. Could this mysterious person have had a connection to one of his family members?

The other odd thing was the note that he left in 1999 that said “The torch has been passed”. Could it have meant that the mysterious person left the task to one of his family members or someone part of secret Poe society?

Who knows….

Check out the video below that further dives into this mysterious event. Let us know your thoughts and who you think this person or people were.

Video source – Joe Scott

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