Ghostbusters Blue Cream Filled Twinkies Are Coming This Summer

Ghostbusters Twinkies

Egon would be happy to know that the new Ghostbusters Twinkies are expected to hit stores this coming June, coinciding with the upcoming release sequel Ghostbusters: Afterlife. The revealed leaked image of the product stand, the iconic Ghostbusters logo is seen in front and the Twinkies contain blue cream filling instead of their usually white.

The image also shows Ding Dongs as well so it looks like the Ghostbusters Ding Dong’s are also headed to a store shelf in June.  The last time Hostess did something similar was in 2016 to help promote the release of Paul Feig’s reboot. Whether you hated the movie or  not they did have some pretty cool merchandise behind it.

Fans probably will recognize the Twinkies as an Easter egg for the original movie. Directly referencing a memorable moment when Harold Ramis used a Twinkie metaphor in order to describe the psychokinetic energy in the city.


Check out the video below found of it and let us know your thoughts.

Video Source – Ghostbusters News

The original Twinkie scene from the original movie

Video Source –

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