Halloween Light Show Displays That Will Make Your Jaw Drop

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Halloween Light Show Displays

I remember the first time I saw a Halloween light show display in our area, it was showcased at a house that we least expected it to be at. The house was rather large and the display was amazing, the theme was that of The Nightmare Before Christmas and Edward Scissor Hands. The light show was a 3D based show with holograms that sort of popped out at you at various points of the display. Our town appreciated the hardwork and effort it took to put on a display of this size. Upon speaking to the homeowner, we really found out what it takes to put on a display of this magnitude.

Our appreciation level went up tremendously when you really sit back and think about how hard it is to really put on a a display that stops people dead in their tracks. It’s not an easy nor an inexpensive one by any means, you also have to figure in your expense’s for electricity while the display is up. So with all that being said, here are some Halloween light show displays that are awesome.


Halloween Light Show Displays

Video Source – kj59208 –

Video Source – Steve Jandick – 

 Do you have an idea or something for us to showcase? Know somewhere strange to stay the night or that you think we should look into? Have a creepy awesome service or strange carnival/tour you think we should write about? Want us to showcase your talent, pictures, or videos? Send us an email to [email protected].

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