These Adult Themed Drink Recipes Will Bring Out Your Inner Vampire

 Bloody Vampire Drink Recipes

So some of you have been asking for more adult-themed Halloween drink recipes. For those of you that didn’t see our last drink recipes, check out our other Haloween themed drink recipes for adults post! These 2 drinks inspired us after a friend of ours made something similar and it was awesome. It had steam coming out of it and it looked like Dracula made it himself! 

The two below are pretty easy to make and only require the necessary ingredients required. You can improvise and add a few things of your own. We will be showcasing some more in the near future. Do you have a video that would fit well on our site? Let us know in the comments below if you do or know someone who does. 

Here are the 2 recipes, be sure to subscribe down below!

Vampire Bloody Drink Recipes

American Bartending School – Blood Sucker 

Epic Guys BartendingDracula’s Curse Cocktail 

Do you have an idea or something for us to showcase? Know somewhere strange to stay the night or that you think we should look into? Have a creepy awesome service or strange carnival/tour you think we should write about? Want us to showcase your talent, pictures, or videos? Send us an email to [email protected].