Millennials Want Secret Santa Banned Because It Causes Anxiety?

Is Christmas Under Attack?

Many are wondering and asking as of late if Christmas under attack? I don’t think Christmas in general is under attack. However we do think there are certain things and aspects about Christmas that people are really looking at differently. First there were some studies that found out that too much Christmas music is a bad for your health. What they found is that people who DON’T like it try NOT to focus on it but subconsciously end up focusing on it even more causing stress and anxiety.

Strange right? Well that was the synopsis of it all in a nutshell so to speak. But now “secret Santa” is under some heavy scrutiny and for a pretty good reason. Apparently millennials want to go as far as BANNING the whole thing. I was never really into secret Santa, but I do know a lot people who are.

Studies and surveys are finding that it causes some pretty heavy anxiety in people. But would that merit a ban because of this? I don’t think everyone feels the same way. However some studies are finding are finding that the majority of people say it makes them feel stressed out. I can understand that because if you DON’T like the people you work with, why should you have to partake in something you don’t want to?

But honestly I don’t think they should ban it, just offer it to those who WANT to participate and let the others that don’t want to partake in something else.

Check out the videos we found by 11Alive and CBS Local News and let us know YOUR thoughts!

Video source – 11Alive

Video Source – CBS Local News

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