Seth Rogen To Create New Horror Movie About a Meme Apocalypse

When you see or think of Seth Rogen, you probably think of comedy or something funny. But Seth Rogen’s new film isn’t about anything funny; it’s about a meme’s contribution to the apocalyptic fall of society.

Wait what?

Via Hollywood Reporter, Lionsgate is currently in final negations to Seth Rogen’s  post  apocalyptic thriller based on James Tynion IV comic book that has the same name. The script will be the same as the comic in where a meme known at the “Good Time Sloth” becomes weaponized and forces people to go into a murderous rage.

Whoa, not the Seth Rogen type of movie we are used to right?

This is the kind of movie that will make you really think. It’s the kind that makes you think, ehh that can really happen, or can it? With the way that we are all engulfed in technology, I could honestly see something crazy like this happening in a matter of decades, but then again who knows.

What are your thoughts on this?

Do  you think the concept will take off or will this movie bomb? Well one thing is for sure at least it’s not another remake! When was the last time we even heard of Seth Rogen in anything horror related? Maybe it was when they did this spoof almost 10 years ago.

Video Source – ABC News

Here’s a clip of Seth’s best movie moments by Fandom Entertainment

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