The Story Behind The Most Haunted Home Arkansas – The Allen House

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The Allen House

Monticello, Arkansas’s Allen House has a pretty terrifying reputation for being haunted. Built in 1907, the Allen house was the creation of a family that was involved in the timber business. The 9,000 square feet home has 16 rooms is massive and was an impressive build for the family. Everything was ok with the family, that is until they moved inside of the home. Tragedy struck the family numerous times in what you would call some very bad luck however, others think it had to do with the grounds.  

Eventually, in the mid-’50s, the location was transformed into apartments. The tenants at the time complained the house was severely haunted. It was almost to the point that many of these tenants couldn’t sleep there anymore, so what was the cause? They heard strange noises like banging on the walls and crying coming from empty rooms. There was one room in particular that people stayed away from, it was said that the temperatures in the room would always be different from all the other rooms in the house.

Other people said they saw the ghost of the former owner walking around the halls and outside on the property. Some people complained of being touched or pushed by an unseen assailant. The house is currently occupied and the current owners actually offer a history tour of the residence and also a haunted one. You can even stay the night in the house for a small fee, would you want to stay in this house?

Check out the videos of a family that lives in the Allen House 


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