A Look At One Of The Deadliest Places On Earth – Alnwick Garden

The Deadliest Garden On The Planet 

Imagine going in somewhere where every living organism is potentially deadly. The United Kingdoms Alnwick Garden is said to have over 100 species of poisonous plants. There are certain deadly flowers that even the slightest human touch could be potentially deadly. The amazingly beautiful garden looks like something out of a fairy tale. But like many fairy tales, there’s always something dark and deadly looming close by.

Check out the videos we found by BBC EARTH UNPLUGGED and WITCHESSKY 



Inside The Poison Garden

The scary part of some of these flowers is their alluring beauty. It’s almost as if the flowers are luring people in to touch and smell them. Many have found the flowers in the deadly garden to be memorizing. The garden has tours and for good reason. There have been occasions where people felt the need to get closer to the flowers than they should. Although no one has died from visiting and getting too close to the flowers. The garden staff isn’t taking any chances at all.

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