Hyde Parks Daemonium Ghost Train
Hyde Parks Daemonium Ghost Train is the world’s largest traveling ghost train. If you’re into Halloween and love horror, this ride is for you. Located in the heart of London in the Winter Wonderland theme park, this ride will amaze you in every way. The horror attraction has 3 levels designed by showman Martin Blume. If you think this is a basic fair ride you’re wrong. The single-track adventure sets passengers in a cage-like gondola. You’ll then get transported through a torture chamber from the inquisition period.
Each section of the horror attraction is sure enough to scare the wits out of you. You’ll also be amazed at the elaborate horror scenes. The decoration paintings will keep your eyes moving the whole time. There are a ton of animated figures and even some actors making sure you jump out of your seats.
Check out the video post and let us know your thoughts.
Video Source – Extreme Coaster Network
Video Source- Psyclone Steve
The Ultimate Horror Attraction
It’s crazy to think that the world’s largest traveling ghost train is in a place called Winter Wonderland. However, the entire park has a ton of pretty cool things to do. Speaking of ghost trains, if you’re in the United States and want to check out another
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