The Bell Witch
There is a creepy place that has lived infamy for a very long time right outside of Nashville, Tennessee. It’s the home of a story so terrifying many cringe at the thought of even visiting this place.
and Cave is one of the most haunted and well known paranormal spots in the entire world.
Some locations are filled with stories and rumors of creepy things, but the Bell Witch Farm is something a little different. This location breaks the barrier between stories and reality. It’s the location where a ghost of a witch is supposed to have terrorized the Bell family for years on end.
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Even the former president Andrew Jackson stayed there in the 1800s with his troops. He stated the following:
I had rather face the entire British Army than to spend another night with the Bell Witch.”
That alone is enough to give you the chills, so what really is out there and is it a witch or something else? That’s a good question, but what is known is that you can take a tour of the farm and even the cave. Many who have gone say they won’t go back ever again. The tour lasts about an hour and a half and you’re sure to come out with a creepy vibe.

Want to know the a detailed HISTORY of the location, visiting hours, prices, etc? Check out their site here to learn more > Bell Witch Farm/Cave
Check out the videos we found the first by Spectral Wolfpack Paranormal and Weird World
Video Source – Bed Time Stories
Video Source – Weird World

Have a cool idea for us to showcase? Know somewhere strange to stay the night or that you think we should look into? Have a creepy awesome service or strange carnival/tour you think we should write about? Send us an email to [email protected].