You’ll Be Surprised What The Most Popular Halloween Candy Of 2019 Is

According to a Retailmenot survey, the most popular Halloween candy so far this year is Reese Peanut Butter Cups. In second place not too far behind is M&M’s, then Snickers, Hershey’s,  and  finally Kit Kat. However there are a few different poles that put M&M in front of Reese Peanut Butter Cups, but in most of them its Reese’s in front.

So what makes Reese’s so good?

It’s probably the awesome relationship between the rich chocolate and creamy peanut butter that makes them so darn good.  They’re small and easy to hand out and just about everyone loves them.  Not to mention they make some pretty good commercials that makes you want to buy them and eat them instead of saving them for Halloween.

So what about the WORST Halloween candy?

We all have those Halloween candy horror stories. The candy we get from people that no one really wants. Like bottle caps or those ancient hard candies that look like they’ve been put away in a drawer for 100 years or so, yeah you know what we’re talking about!

So what’s your favorite Halloween candy?

Did your candy make the list?

Check out this video we found about some of the most popular Halloween candies of 2019

Video Source – ABC 7 Chicago

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