The Grand Hotel Jerome, Arizona
It’s not every day we get an exciting email from someone with a story like this. A physical medium by the name of Kathy Owen sent us an incredible story. She even included pictures of a recent experience she had at the Grand Hotel in Jerome, Arizona. If you don’t know about the Jerome area and how haunted it actually is, you can find the back story here > JEROME HOTEL
Kat Owen is the founder and lead investigator for Lake Isabella Paranormal Society and now the Mountain Paranormal Investigators. She was on “My Ghost Story Caught On Camera” and “A Strange World“, so she is very experienced in the paranormal field.
She sent us some pictures and her personal story of an up and close encounter with a resident spirit. She allowed the spirit to be one with her for a little bit, and as you can see in the picture below it’s pretty creepy.
Check out her story below and let us know if you’ve ever been there and had a creepy experience!
I had the opportunity to stay at The Grand Hotel in Jerome, AZ. On Valentine’s Day 2019. Now first I have to tell you, I am a physical medium. I have many special gifts, including communicating with the dead, like having a conversation. At the hotel is the spirit of a nurse, who worked there back in 1946-47. Her name is Ruth. Ruth’s spirit was in my room and I allowed her to body jump me. Meaning I wanted to give her the opportunity to feel human again. She did!! Totally freaked out my partner/boyfriend and paranormal partner. He said it wasn’t me! My face changed, so did my voice and actions. Scared him so much he thought putting pillows around him would protect him. Basically Ruth who was inside me, was coming on to him…flirting! In these pictures you will see me sitting on the bed, with a white mist coming out if my face. No smoking in the rooms, and it wasn’t cold. Then a picture of the nurse Ruth I found down in the lobby after the encounter.
Kat Owen

Do you have a cool idea for us to showcase? Know somewhere strange to stay the night or that you think we should look into? Have a creepy awesome service or strange carnival/tour you think we should write about? Want us to showcase your talent, pictures, or videos? Send us an email to [email protected].
Picture sources @ Kat Owen