The Sensebaugh Tunnel
Kingsport, Tennessee’s Sensebaugh tunnel is one of those places creepy stories stem from. Sometimes the stories start out because of a tragic accident that happened in or near that area. Others are created out of old tales that are told around campfires and school lunchrooms. Today’s story is a bit different depending on who you ask.
Supposedly there are 2 versions of the tragic story that turned this place in a haunted location. Neither of the stories have been confirmed so it’s all hearsay. But then again who knows, you can never tell with these types of stories. Both stories involve the farmer that built this place around the 1920’s.
Check out the video we found of by The Fam as they explore the tunnel!
Urban Legend Or True Story?
There are different versions of the stories. Some say he threw them in the creek and others say he threw them in the tunnel. He then took his own life while inside of the tunnel. From that day forth the tunnel became an open portal to some dark dimension. Could the story be true? Other versions of the story say he took his life near the tunnel.
Whatever the case may be, the story has lived on and become an urban legend. Some say that there were dark forces on this land from way before that made this guy do it. Could it have been some kind of evil force that drove this man mad? While it may be a story, there have been a ton of weird stories stemming from this location. Some locals believe the area is damned and that it’s a portal to hell.
So what goes on in the Sensebaugh tunnel?
Could it just be a collection of different energies that people who have visited there have left behind that produce some kind of mass hysteria?
Could the story be true and this is some kind of portal or gateway to a dark place?
Check out this video of a ghost tour at Sensebaugh tunnel
*sources – http://tricitiesghoststories.blogspot.com/2007/03/sensabaugh-tunnel.html
Videos- KCGhosthunters and Kingspook
Check out this place, one of the most HAUNTED locations on earth, Waverly hills sanatorium >>> http://strangeandcreepy.com/waverly-hills-sanatorium/